Colored Repair Order Folders
Scheduling & Workflow
SKU #1204018
Availability: In Stock
Buy 100 or more for $0.60 each
Buy 300 or more for $0.55 each
Buy 500 or more for $0.51 each
Buy 1000 or more for $0.46 each
Buy 300 or more for $0.55 each
Buy 500 or more for $0.51 each
Buy 1000 or more for $0.46 each
Keep track of your jobs with our color-coded Repair Order Folders.
One end hinged with 3 open sides. Paper weight: 150#
Keep track of:
- Estimates
- Supplements
- Insurance Contracts
- Towing Charges
- Sublet Charges
- Parts, Orders & Invoices
- Rental Car Forms
- Special Promises
Size: 11 ¾" x 9 ½"
Packages of 100