Equalizer® Zip Kicker™, 2 oz. Bottle - AB1005


SKU #1801040
Availability: In Stock
Price: $10.99
  • Sometimes just gluing the part is not enough. You need to build up an excess amount of glue on the surface to give the bond more strength. While Zap-A-Gap™ dries quickly in small amounts, it takes a long time for large amounts to dry. This is when you need Zip Kicker™, an accelerating, sprayable liquid that causes the glue to dry immediately. It is also useful when small amounts of the plastic have disappeared. 
  • The Zap-A-Gap™ can be used to fill the opening and then dried immediately with Zip Kicker™ to form an instant patch. Click here for Equalizer® Zap-A-Gap Super Fast Setting Plastic Glue.
  • Bottle contains 2 fluid ounces. 
  • Made in the USA. 
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